The General Body Election of the J&K Tennis Ball Cricket Association for the term 2024-2028 was held at Sheri Kashmir Indoor Sports complex Srinagar on 24th October 2024 under the supervision of Mtr. Musbat Ismail Deputy Legal Remembrencer J&K Sports Council.
All the Affiliated District Units were part of the Election process & outstanding Sportspersons of Tennis Ball Cricket were also part of the Election process as per the new Sports policy. The Elections were held for different posts of the association and were conducted smoothly & successfully in a cordially manner abiding by the all guidelines set by the J&K Sports Council for holding of Election of the all recognized Associations.
During the process of Election Mr. Wasiullah Khan Office Secretary Tennis Ball Cricket Federation of India was deputed as an Observer by the National Federation for monitor of General Body Elections.
The following Office bearers stands Elected during the Election for the term 2024-2028.
1. Mr. B.K. Tiku President 2. Mr. Nazir Ahmed Lone Vice President 3. Mr. Farooq Ahmad Salroo Gen. Secretary 4. Mr. G.N. Punoo Treasurer 5. Mr. Fayaz Ahmad Joint Secretary 6. Mr. Sandeep Sambyal Joint Secretary 7. Mr. Gulshan Rattan Joint Secretary 8. Mtr. Afroza Javid Joint Secretary 9. Mr. Nanan Nazir Executive Member 10. Mr. Khalid Akhter Executive Member 11. Mr. Kamil Nisar Executive Member 12. Mr.Neelofer Sadiq Executive Member.